Happy new year!
In Japan people eat traditional meal on new year days. This meal called as Osechi and it's variety kind of dishes and serves in a bento-box style plate.
People eat this Osechi with family and friends to celebrate new year. I cooked Osechi for this year! We can also buy Osechi at department store, supermarket or even via internet in these days but I tried to cook it with my sister on 31st Dec.
Datemaki Tamago 伊達巻きたまご - Rolled up sweet omlet
I love this sweet omlet very much! Originally my grand mother bought us a special Datemaki every year so my favorite taste of Datemaki is not a homemade but I wanted to try to cook by myself.
Kuromame 黒豆 - Sweet black beans
Cooking this dish takes a long time but we use pressure pot for this time so could save the time lot ;)
Steamed shrimp えびの出汁煮
All menu for Osechi has meaning and shrimp meaning "live a long time" because hip of shrimp stoop such as old man.
Kurikinton 栗きんとん -Sweet potato with chestnut
Kurikinton is my favorite Osechi menu as well. My mother made it every year when I was child :) This is the sweet potato colored with brilliant yellow and put in some chestnut.
Typically this Osechi cooked a lot and have eaten for some days but we didn't cook a lot for this time so it have been finished after few hours from 12:00 on Jan. 1st ;)