Yep! We did a Futurama Kyaraben class!


Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

Last Sunday we had a very cool guest from the Canary Islands that requested that we do a kyaraben class where we make the Futurama character Nibbler instead of our usual characters. Apparently her nephew loves the character so she came to train with us so she could make the bento back home.

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

We used the same ingredients as the usual kyaraben we make in our classes but because the parts for Nibbler were more complex compared to our usual class, it was a bit more of a challenge.

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

However, our guest worked her magic and the end result was amazing! I’m honestly not sure if I could have the same patience she had when making the very small parts, especially for the eyes, but she did it!

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

Actually all during the session we had a tv crew taping on and off and at the end we had a short interview.

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

Megumi was interviewed too but it seemed like the camera was making everyone laugh instead of talk. But I guess that's okay.

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

If any of you would like to try something out for our kyaraben class, let us know and we will see what we can do. Just be ready for the challenge!

Note: we no longer conduct Nagomi Kitchen cooking classes but feel free to look for Nagomi Visit hosts who are interested in cooking with you by checking their profile pages. Nagomi Visits are not cooking classes but it will be an enjoyable experience like cooking with a friend.