Lots of fun with food - Character Lunch Box


3 guests joined our Kyaraben lesson yesterday and made a Picachu bento box.

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

Olivia and Dylan from Canada, it was their first day in Japan of their two weeks journey. And Rex from Hong Kong, it was the last day for his second trip to Japan. They have a big interesting to making Kyaraben. (Character bento.)

Olivia wondered that "Is threre any restaurant where people can eat Kyaraben in Japan?" The answer is no, but I think it's a very nice idea if people can eat Kyaraben at restaurant.

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

But now, Olivia, Dylan and Rex became a Kyaraben master so they don't have to go to Kyaraben restaurant!

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

"It's first time to having a lot of fun with food" said Olivia when she arranging her own Picachu on her bento box as final step. I was very glad to hear it.

Nagomi Kitchen cooking lesson

Thank you Olivia, Dylan and Rex!

Note: we no longer conduct Nagomi Kitchen cooking classes but feel free to look for Nagomi Visit hosts who are interested in cooking with you by checking their profile pages. Nagomi Visits are not cooking classes but it will be an enjoyable experience like cooking with a friend.